Give your customers, guests, and employees access to best-selling charging stations and turn EV charging into your competitive advantage.

Forging a 100% Clean & Electrified Future

As demand for renewable electricity grows to power the world’s electric vehicles, smart EV charging is critical to economically and sustainably updating our energy and transportation systems. By utilizing smart, grid-connected charging stations as flexible energy services, we can meet the needs of today’s EV drivers and provide vital infrastructure needed to meet ambitious sustainability goals across North America.

Fast charging stations use direct current (DC) chargers.

We offer the fastest charging speeds available today. Current DC fast chargers supported by JuiceBox include the Combined Charging System (CCS) connectors. The brand of electric vehicle (EV) you drive will determine which plug you can use. You should be able to find out more about your vehicle’s capabilities from your owner’s manual and the manufacturer’s official website.

JuiceBox charging stations have both CCS and CHAdeMO plugs available. A select number of stations located in metropolitan areas will also support Level 2 chargers. That means it doesn’t matter what kind of EV you drive—just about every EV model can use our stations.

The DC fast chargers are the fastest on the market today and can charge compatible EVs at 350kW. For cars not capable of accepting 350kW, the 350kW chargers will give you the fastest charge your EV can accept.